
Comarnic cave

Our first trip took place at Comarnic Cave, one of the most beautiful caves in Banat, open to tourists. The cave is located in the Cheile Carasului National Park – Semenic and today in the integral protection regim.

Cave is developed on 3 levels with large galleries and halls, richly concreted, with representative erosion and corrosion forms. It’s main characteristic are the black silex interlining in the walls of the galleries that contrasts with the limestone white. It contains a great biodiversity of cavernol species and bats colonies with over 300 individuals belonging to protected species.

In the cave there is a tourist track of 1750 m and a speoturistic one of 300 m, both accessible with guide in period May – August. The average air temperature is +9C. The illumination is done with individual battery light sources.

After we leave the cars in the last village, Iabalcea we walked the 8 km that separated us from the cave through a forest dressed in the colors of autumn. The visit to the cave lasted about 1h without being able to complete the entire route due to the low speed. The return to Iabalcea over the Cioaca hill  took us through the orchards of the village of Iabalcea on a picturesque road.

Complete team on Comarnic meadow

pure joy

Thourgh the orchards of Iabalcea village