Transalpina Slope is in my opinion one of the best in western Romania. Its existence also facilitates access to the main ridge of Latorita mountains and opens perspectives for touring ski. If in February 2014 we traveled the route Slope – Peak Setea Mare – Peak Rus coast – Groapa Seaca pass the time has now come to start in the other direction and cross the ridge of Latoriţa.
However, we chose the climb from the Curmătura Vidruței to enjoy the descent on the slope, especially since the season is still at the beginning and the snow is low. I also made a small detour on the Frătoșanu peak, a peak with a magnificent perspective on the Southern Carpathians. The ridge is perfect for ski touring and has enough culminations to make fine descents. From place to place small groups of limestone remind us of the Dolomites.